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Department of Anatomy

There are 9 teachers in the department of anatomy, including 2 professors and 2 associate professors and 5 lecturers. And, there are 6 master's degree or higher, 1 master's degree candidate and 1 Ph.D. candidate in the department of human anatomy.

The department undertakes the teaching of systematic anatomy and regional anatomy for clinical medicine specialties, the teaching of human anatomy and section anatomy for image medicine specialties and the teaching of human anatomy for clinical laboratory, nursing, medical insurance, pharmacy, agentia, and other specialties. The department also undertakes advanced regional anatomy and section anatomy for postgraduates.

There are 1 provincial excellent course and 4 university exquisite course in the department. The department was appraised the excellent team of teaching in the university and received authorization to grant master's degrees.

The researching direction of the department is neural anatomy and clinical anatomy. The department participated in the completion of more 10 national, provincial and departmental funds, written 6 works or teaching materials as chief editor or editor (including 2 national planning materials), published more than 40teaching and research papers. The department won one first prize for provincial outstanding teaching achievements, one second prize and one third prize for provincial scientific and technological progress. The department received 3 more Zhenjiang scientific and technological progress second prize and e third prize.