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Notice of Rules for Hospital Practice

1. Everyone should have to wear lab coat during the hospital if anyone do not have white coat their priority to go in Operation theater and any special room will be the last.

2. Everyone will follow their groups which are given to them.

3. Everyone should keep quite during hospital if anyone is disturbing class any of the group members will send him/her out after a warning if he/she continues then the matter will go to OEC.

4. No one is allowed to attend hospital class with other class mean from class 1 to class 2/3 or from class 2/3 to class 1.If anyone have special reason they can ask permission from Teaching Affairs Office of OEC.

5. Everyone or group should take only the time given to them not more.

6. Everyone should have to maintain discipline in the hospital.

7. Everyone should have to come at the place to take bus before 5 minutes the time if anyone left behind that is his/her responsibility.

8. Do not through any garbage on the floor of the hospital if you use any medical disposable stuff you have to throw it in dustbin.

9. If anyone found violating these rules serious action should be taken against him/her by OEC.

Teaching Affairs Office

Medical School