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Regional Anatomy(Elaborate Courses)

Regional Anatomy is the science which deals with the forms, positions, relationships, and related clinical applications of the structures of the human body in a given region just based on the knowledge of systematic human anatomy. To describe each location, the position of each organ, each layer, the related courses and their interrelationships in human body, the human body should be divided into eight parts: the head and neck, the upper limb, the lower limb, the thorax, the abdomen, the pelvis, the perineum and the vertebral region. Furthermore, by practically anatomical operations during class time, the clinical students or other ones in related domains must be cultivated to possess the capabilities of observation, analysis, thought and operation which can provide necessarily morphological basis of the study for future curriculum or clinical applications.

This subject is for clinical major (5 years).The assignment of learning hours is 75 (theory 27, practice 48)

This lesson applies theory to the practice and operation. The ratio of theory to the practice and operation is 1:2, which ensure enough time for operation. The condition of teaching practice has been proven with 2 regional anatomy labs, 1 interactive regional anatomy lab about 500m2。




Introduction to Regional Human Anatomy


Chapter 1



Chapter 2



Chapter 3

Upper Limb


Chapter 4

Lower Limb


Chapter 5



Chapter 6



Chapter 7

Pelvis and Perineum


Chapter 8

Back and Vertebral region




Syllabus of Regional Anatomy

Part 1 Head

1. Know the boundaries, parts and landmarks of the head.

2. Know the name of the facial muscles. Master the composition and function of masticatory muscles.

3. Master the origin, course and distribution of facial artery. Know the origin, branches and distribution of maxillary artery. Know the origin and distribution of superficial temporal artery.

4. Master the facial vein connections with cavernous sinus. Know the position of the “Danger triangle of the face”.

5. Know the name, position and area drainage of the lymph nodes of the head. Master the position of submandibular lymph nodes.

6. Master the branches and distribution of facial nerve in face.

7. Master the branches of trigeminal nerve in face.

8. Master the structures vertical and transversal passing through the parotid gland. Master the relations of the parotid gland.

9. Master the boundaries and layers of the frontoparietooccipital region.

10. Know the boundaries and layers of the temporal region.

Part 2. Neck

1. Know the landmarks of the neck. Know the parts, regions and triangles of the neck.

2. Know the name and arrangement of muscles of the neck. Master the origin, insertion, action and nerve supply of sternocleidomastoid and scalenus anterior.

3. Master the fascial layers: investing layer, pretracheal layer, prevertebral layer and carotid sheath. Master the contents of carotid sheath.

4. Know the boundaries and contents of posterior and anterior triangles of the neck.

5. Master the beginning, ending of the common carotid arterythe position and function of carotid sinus, carotid glomusthe branches and distribution of the external carotid artery.

6. Master the beginning, ending, branches and distribution of the subclavian artery.

7. Master the position of external jugular vein. Master the beginning, ending and tributaries of the internal jugular vein. Know the beginning and ending of the subclavian vein. Master the concept of venous angle.

8. Know the main lymph nodes of the neck. Master the position and area drainage of the superficial and deep lateral cervical lymph nodes.

9. Master the formation, position and main branches of the cervical plexus. Master the formation and course of phrenic nerve in the neck.

10. Know the formation of the ansa cervicalis. Know the course of the hypoglossal nerve in neck. Master the distribution of the accessory nerve.

11. Master the course and branches of the vagus nerve in the neck. Master the branches and distribution of superior laryngeal nerve. Master the relationship between the external branch of superior laryngeal nerve and superior thyroid artery. Master the origin, course and distribution of recurrent laryngeal nerve. Master the relationship between the recurrent laryngeal nerve and inferior thyroid artery.

12. Know the position of cervical part of the sympathetic trunk.

Part 3. Upper limbs

. The pectoral region and axilla

1. Know the name, position, action and nerve supply of muscles connecting the upper limb to the thoracic wall.

2. Know the name, position, action and nerve supply of muscles connecting the scapula to the humerus.

3. Master the origin, insertion, action and nerve supply of pectoralis major, trapezius, latissimus dorsi, and deltoid muscles.

4. Master the boundaries and contents of the axilla.

5. Master the beginning, ending and branches of the axillary artery.