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Human Anatomy

Human Anatomy is the basic subject for non-clinical major. The assignment of learning hours is 90 (theory 45h, practice 45).

Human Anatomy is the science about morphology and structures of normal human body; the main task of this subject is that students will know correctly the shapes and structures, normal and pathological, the arrangements and relationships, the law of development and basic function of the organs in human body. Most of the terms of medicine are from anatomy. It is a required course for every subject of basic and clinical medicine.

This lesson applies theory to the practice and operation. The most contents of theory can be observed at experiments classes.

课程大纲Outline of the course







Introduction to Human Anatomy


Part 1

Locomotors System

Chapter 1

Osteology & Clinic Consideration of Bones


Chapter 2

Arthrology & Clinic Consideration of Articulations


Chapter 3

Myology & Clinic Consideration of Skeletal Muscles


Part 2


Chapter 4

General Description of Viscera


Chapter 5

Alimentary System & Clinic Consideration


Chapter 6

Respiratory System & Clinic Consideration


Chapter 7

Urinary System & Clinic Consideration


Chapter 8

Reproductive System & Clinic Consideration


Chapter 9

Perineum & Peritoneum & Clinic Consideration


Part 3


Chapter 10

Cardiovascular System & Clinic Consideration


Chapter 11

Lymphatic System & Clinic Consideration


Part 4

Sensory System

Chapter 12

Visual Orange & Clinic Consideration


Chapter 13

Vestibulocochlear organ & Clinic Consideration


Part 5

Nervous System

Chapter 14

General Description of Nervous System


Chapter 15

Peripheral Nervous System& Clinic Consideration


Chapter 16

Central nervous System& Clinic Consideration


Part 6

Endocrine System

Chapter 17

Endocrine System & Clinic Consideration





Syllabus of Human Anatomy人体解剖学大纲


1. understand the definition, developed overview and the branch of Human Anatomy

2. understand basic method of learning Human Anatomy.

3. master descriptive anatomical terms.

4. understand concepts of body type and variation, understand Concepts of deformity.


Chapter 1 Osteology

Section 1 General Description

1. master the shape , classification and structure of bones.

2. master the chemical composition and physical properties of bones.

Section 2. The Axial Skeleton

Ⅰ.Bones of trunk

1.master composition of the bones of trunk.

2.master general features of vertebrae and maincharacteristics of vertebrae in each region.

3.master shape and parts of sternen .master clinical significance of sternal angle.

4.master general features and classcification of ribs understand morphological characteristic of 1th rib and 11th rib,12th rib.

5.master body surface symbol of the bones of trunk.

Ⅱ. The Skull

1.master composition and parts of skull.

2.master composition of cerebral cranium.

3.master composition of facial cranium, master morphology and structures of mandible.

4.understand superior aspect of skull and posterior aspect of skull and internal surface of calvaria.

5.master the bound and important structure of three fossas in the internal surface of the base of skull, understand external surface of base of skull

6.understand lateral view of skull,master location and clinical significance of pterion, understand location of temporal fossa,infratemporal fossa and pterygopalatine fossa.

7.understand the composition, morphous and porous dehiscence of orbits,

master the location of supraorbital notch and infraorbital foramen.

8.master the structure of bony nasal cavity, master the location of paranasal sinuses and their openings.

9.understand skull at birth and change after birth.

10.master important body surface symbol of skull.

Section 3 The Appendicular Skeleton

I . Bones of Upper Limb

1.master the composition, parts and arrangement of bones of upper limb.

2.master morphology and structures of clavicle, scapula ,humerus, ulna and radius.

3.master the composition of bones of hand,master arrangement of carpal bones.

4.master body surface symbol of bones of upper limb.

Ⅱ. Bones of Lower Limb

master the composition ,parts and arrangement of bones of lower limb.

master the shape and structures of hip bone,femur,tibia and fibula.

master the composition of bones of foot and arrangement of tarsal bones.

master body surface symbol of bones of lower limb.

Chapter 2 Arthrology

Section l. General Description

1.understand classification of joints,understand the basic structure of fibrous joints, cartilaginous joints,synosteosis

2. master essential structures of synovial joints and accessory structures of synovial joints,understand types of joint movement.

Section 2. Joints of the Bones of The Axial Skeleton

I .Joints of the Bones of Trunk

master morphology and structures of intervertebral discs.

master the location and function of anterior longitudinal ligament and posterior longitudinal ligament.

understand the joints of vertebral arch, master the location and function of ligamentum flavum,understand the name and location of the other ligaments

master the form, parts and function of vertebral column,understand vertebral column as a whole and master its movements and physiological curves.

undstand costovertebral joints, sternocosal joints and interchondral joints.

master the formof thoracic cage, master the form and shape of superior aperture of thorax and inferior aperture of thorax.

undstand the thoracic cage as a whole and its movements,undsertand the change in age and its sex differences

Ⅱ.Joints of Skull

understand the main structure of joints of skull.

master the composition, construction features and movements of temporomandibular Joint.

Section 3 Joints of Appenicular Skeleton

I. Joints of Upper Limb

master the form, construction features and movements of sternoclavicular joint , shoulder joint,elbow joints, radiocarpal joint.

master the form, construction features and movements of carpometacarpal joints,metacarpophalangeal joints and articulationes interphalangeae.

Ⅱ. Joints of Lower Limb

1.master the form and parts of pelvis,master the form of inlet and outlet of pelvis, undstand the difference between the male and female pelvis,master the form of greater sciatic formaen and lesser sciatic foramen.

2.undstand the form, construction features and movements of hip joint knee joint talocrural joint, ankle joint.

3.undstand the form and movements of cacroiliac joint, intertarsal joints, tarsometatarsal joints ,metatarsophalangeal joints and interphalangeal joint.

4.master the form and function of arch of foot.

Chapter 3 Myology

Section l Introduction

1.morphology and structures of skeletal muscle.

2.origin, insertion and action of skeleta1 muscle and the nomenclature of muscles.

3.the supplementary structures of muscles.

Section 2. Muscles of Head

1. undstand the composition and distribution of facial muscles.

2. master the composition of masticatory muscles, master the location and function of masseter and temporalis.

Section 3. Muscles of Neck

1.understand group of muscles of meck,understand the composition and function of each group of muscles of neck

2.master the origin,insertion and function of sternocleidomastoid, master the form of scalene fissure, master the structure which pass through scalene fissure.

Section 4. Muscles of Trunk

Ⅰ. Muscles of Back

1.understand group of muscles of back,understand the composition and function of each group of muscles of back, master the origin,insertion and function of trapezius and latissimus dorsi.

2. master the location and function of erector spinae,understabd the location and layer of thoracolumbar fascia.

Ⅱ.Muscles of Thorax

1.master the composition of muscles of thorax, master the origin,insertion and function of muscles of pectoralis major.

2. master the name ,location and function of intercostal muscle.


master the location, morphous, function of diaphragm, master the location of three openings and main structure which pass through them.

understand the triangular spaces without muscular tissue and its clinical significance.

Ⅳ..Muscles of Abdomen

1. master the composition of muscles of abdomen, master the location,layer, muscles fiber direction, structure, function of anterolateral group of abdominal wall.

2.master composition and characteristic of sheath of rectus abdominis.

Section 5 Muscles of Upper Limb

1.master the composition of muscles of scapula;master the origin, insertion and function of triangular muscle and teres major.

2.master the group of muscles of arm, master the composition and function of each muscles of arm; master the origin,insertion and function of biceps brachii and triceps brachii.

3.master the group of muscles of forearm, master the composition and function of each muscles of forearm, master the location and function of pronator teres and supinator.

4.master the group of muscles of hand, master the name and function of intermediate group of muscles of hand..

Section 6 The Muscles of Lower limb

1.understand the group of muscles of hip,understand the composition and function of each muscles of hip, master the origin,insertion and function of gluteus maximus and iliopsoas and piriformis.

2.master the group of muscles of thigh, master the composition and function of each muscles of thigh, master the origin,insertion and function of quadriceps and femoris sartorius.

3.master the group of muscles of leg, master the composition and function of each muscles of leg.

4. master the origin,insertion and function of tibialis anterior, tibialis posterior and triceps surae.


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.understand the concepts of splanchnology, the composition of splanchnology, common construction features of splanchnology

2.master the reference lines of thorax and abdominal regions.

Chapter 2 The Digestive System

1. master the composition and function of the digestive system.

Section 1. Oral cavity

1.understand the boundary and parts of oral cavity,understand the shape of Palate.

2. master the composition of isthmus of fauces.

3. master the kinds and arrangement of teeth(dental formula of permanent teeth,and deciduous teeth),the shape and structure of teeth,the composition of forming substance of teeth and periodontium.

4. master the shape of tongue and characteristic of mucous of tongue .understand the distribution and function of muscles of tongue.master the the origin,insertion and function of genioglossus.

5. master the position of major salivary glands and the openings of glandular tube.

Section 2.Pharynx

1. master the location ,parts , morphous and communication of Pharynx.

2. master the location of palatine tonsil .master the composition of throat-ring.

Section 3.Esophagus

understand the location and parts of esophagus.

master the location and clinical significance of three narrowed places of esophagus.

Section 4.Stomach

1. master morphous of the stomach, position and relations of the stomach.

2. undstand structure of the wal l of the stomach

Section 5. Small intestine

1. master the parts of Small intestinal

2. master the location ,parts , construction features of duodenum.master the location of suspensory muscle of duodenum.

3. master the location of ileum and jejunum,understand construction features of ileum and jejunum, understand the location of Meckel's diverticulum.

Section 6.Large intestine

1. master parts and construction features of large intestine.

2. master the location of cecum and vermiform appendix, master the projection of body surface margins of its base,understand the common location and clinical significance of vermiform appendix.

3. master the division and location of colon .

4. master the location of rectum, master shape and structure of rectum and composition of anorectal ring.

5. master the position of anal canal , master shape and, structure of anal canal.

Section7. liver

master the features of liver and the position of porta hepatis.

master the composition of liver pedicel and position relation of these structures.

master the position and relation of the liver, master projection of inferior and superior margins of liver, understand the lobes and segments of liver..

Section 8.Gallbladder and the bliary ducts

1. master the composition of external biliary tracts of liver.

2. master the location and division of gallbladder;master the projection of body surface margins of fundus of gallbladder.master the form and contents of Calot's triangle.

3. master the form of external biliary tracts of the liver, master the produced position of

bile and discharged way.

Section 9. Pancreas

1. master the position and division of pancreas .

Chapter 3 Respiratory System

master the composition and function of Respiratory System.

Section 1.nose

1.understand the shape and structure of external nose.

2.master parts of nasal cavity,master the shape and structure of parts.

3.master the position of paranasal sinuses and their openings.understand construction features of maxillary sinus.

Section 2.larynx;

1.master the location of larynx.

2.master name and main body surface symbol of laryngeal cartilages,understand

laryngeal joints and the composition of muscles of larynx.

master the form of aperture of larynx. master the division of laryngeal cavity and

morphous of each division

Section 3. trachea and bronchi

1. master the location and construction features of trachea.

2. master morphological difference between left principal bronchus and right principal bronchus

Section 4. lung

1.master the position of lungs, external features of lungs,lobes and segments of lungs.master the composition of the root of lung and arrangement of strutures.

2. understand the concepts of bronchi and bronchopulmonary segments.

Section 5.Pleura and pleural cavity

1. understand the concepts of thoracic cavity, pleura and pleural cavity.

2. master pleural division and the location of pleural recesses

3. master the projection of the inferior margins of lungs and pieurae;master the projection of the margins of cupula of pleura.

Section 8. mediastinum

1. understand the concepts and division of mediastinum

Chapter 4 urinary system

master the composition of urinary system.

Section 1. kidney

1. master the position, shape and structure of kidneys, master the coverings of kidneys.

2. understand the concepts of renal blood supply and segments

Section 2.The ureters

1. master the parts of the ureters,master the location of the parts of the ureters, master the location of three narrowed places

Section 3. urinary bladder

1. master the features and location and relations of urinary bladder.

2. master the location of trigone of bladder and features of mucous.

Section 4. urethra

 master construction features of female urethra and their openings .

Chapter 5. Male Genita1 Organs

1. master the composition and function of male genita1 organs.

2. master the shape and structure of testis.master the shape and location of epididymis.

3. master deferential division and location.understand location of vasoligation, master the composition and location of spermatic cord.

4. understand location of seminal vesicle, understand the composition of ejaculatory duct and their openings.

5. master the morphous and position of prostate,understand their lobes .

6. understand the position of bulbourethral gland and their openings

7. understand the composition of scrotum, three coverings of testis and spermatic cord and the continuation of layer of anterior of abdominal wall.

8. understand the division of penis and its dermatic characteristic.

9. master the division of male urethra and its feature, master its two curves, three dilated, three narrowed.

Chapter 6 Femal Genital Organs

1. master the composition and function of femal Genital organs.

2. master the shape and position of ovary, master its supports, understand its change in age.

3. master the position and parts of uterine tube, master their features, understand the position of tubal ligation.

4. master the shape and position of uterus, master its supports..

5. master the position and parts of vagina; master the relationship beween posterior fornix of vagina and rectouterine pouch and undstand their clinical significance.

6. master the position of greater vestibular gland,understand the composition of female external genital organs.

Chapter 7. perineum

1.understand the narrow sense of perineum and the wide sense of perineum.

2.understand the clinical significance of trigonum urogenitale and anal triangle.

Chapter 8 peritoneum

1.master the concepts of peritoneum and peritoneal cavity; understand the function of peritoneum.

2. master the relationship between viscera and peritoneum.

3. master the location and division of lesser omentum, master the location and composition of greater omentum.

4. master the location of omental bursa and omental foramen.

5.understand the name,location and attachment of mesenterium; undstand the name and location of ligaments of liver,ligaments of spleen and ligaments of stomach

6. understand peritoneal recesses and pouches, master the location and name of peritoneal recesses.


Chapter 1. Cardiovascular System

Section 1 General Description

1.understand vascular anastomosis and its function.

2. master the composition of the cardiovascular system; master the concepts of general circulation and pulmonary circulation.

3. understand construction and distribution features of artery,blood capillary and vein.

Section 2. Heart

1. master the position and external features of heart.

2. master the morphous and structures of chambers of heart.

3. undstand fibrous skeleton of heart and structure of the heart walls, master the morphous and structure of interatrial septum and interventricular septum; understand the position of septal defect.

4. master the composition and location and function of conduction system of heart.

5. master the origin, insertion ,course,main branch, distribution of right coronary artery and left coronary artery.

6. understand the way of venous return of heart, master the location and main branch of coronary sinus;understand the lymphatic return and innervation of heart.

7. master the composition of pericardium,master the location and clinical significance of transverse sinus of pericardium and oblique sinus of pericardium.

6. understand the projection of the margins of heart .

Section 3 Arteries

1. understand the rule of distribution of arteries in human body,understand the the rule of distribution of arteries in organs.

Ⅰ.Arteries of Pulmonary Circulation

1. understand the course of pulmonary trunk.right pulmonary artery and left pulmonary artery, master the location of arterial ligament.

Ⅱ.Arteries of Systemic Circulation.

1. master the division and course of the aorta

2. master the origin, insertion of ascending aorta, and its branches.

3. master the origin,insertion and branches of aortic arch.

4. master the origin,insertion of right common carotid artery and left common carotid artery .understand its projection of body surface.master the location and function of carotid glomus and carotid sinus.

5. understand the name of main branch and distribution of external carotid artery; understand the course of internal carotid artery in neck.

6. master the origin,insertion of subclavian artery, axillary artery, radial artery,ulnar artery. understand their projection of body surface and their distribution.

7. master the composition of superficial palmar arch and deep palmar arch, understand the main branch of subclavian artery and axillary artery.

8. master the origin,insertion of thoracic aorta,understand its branch and distribution.

9. master the origin, insertion of abdominal aorta,understand its branch and distribution. 10. master the branches and distribution of celiac trunks, superior and inferior mesenteric

artery, understand distribution of ovarian artery , renal artery, testicular artery.

11. master the origin,insertion of common iliac artery,understand branch and distribution of uterine artery.

12. master the origin,insertion of external iliac artery,femoral artery,anterior tibial artery,posterior tibial artery,dorsal artery of foot, understand distribution of artery.

13. understand the composition of plantar artery arch.

14. understand the impulse point of artery of head, neck, extremity (facial artery, superficial temporal artery, common carotid artery, righ subclavian artery, femoral artery , dorsal artery of foot),understand the common pressure point.

Section 4 Vein

Ⅰ.General description

1. understand structure and characteristic of veins,understand factors of venous return and a kinds of special veins(sinuses of dura mater, diploic veins, emissary veins)

Ⅱ. Pulmonary veins

understand the course of right pulmonary vein and left pulmonary vein.

Ⅲ. Systemic veins

1. master the composition, origin,insertion,and collecting of superior vena cava and its tributaries

2. master the composition of brachiocephalic vein, master the form of the venous angle.

3. master the origin, insertion, main tributaries(facial vein;retromandibular vein)of internal jugular vein. master the position of external jugular vein.

4. master the origin,insertion of cephalic vein and basilic vein,master the position of median cubital vein.

5. master the origin, insertion, and collecting of azygos vein, understand the origin, insertion, and collecting of hemiazygos vein and accessory hemiazygos vein.

6. understand the location and communication of vertebral venous plexus.

7. master the composition, main tributaries and collecting of inferior vena cava and its tributaries.

8. master the course of renal veins,testicular vein and vena ovarica.

9. master the origin,insertion,course ,and which ends in of small saphenous vein and great saphenous vein

10. master the composition, branch, tributaries of hepatic portal vein, master the anastomoses between the hepatic portal vein system and the vena caval system.

Chapter 2 lymphatic system

1. master the composition of lymphatic system, understand the structure, the general pattern of and lymphatic return of lymphatic system.

2. master the form,collecting, name,drainage of lymphatic trunks.

3. master the synthesis of right lymphatic duct and thoracic duct,master the place where lymph deliver to and their drainage area .

4. understand the general pattern of lymph node of neck,master the location and drainage of submandibular lymph nodes, superficial and deep lateral cervical lymph nodes.

5. understand the general pattern of Lymph node of upper extremity. .master the group of axillary lymph nodes .master the location and drainage of each group.

6. understand the general pattern of lymph node of thorax, master the location and drainage of bronchopulmonary lymph nodes and paratracheal lymph nodes.

7. understand the general pattern of abdominal lymph nod, master the location and drainage of lumbar lymph nodes, inferior and superior mesenteric lymph nodes and celiac lymph nodes.

8. understand the general pattern of lymph nodes of pelvis, master the location and drainage of external iliac lymph nodes,common iliac lymph nodes and internal iliac lymph nodes.

9. understand the general pattern of lymph node of lower extremity,master the location and drainage of superficial inguinal lymph nodes.

10. understand lymphatic drainage of body of organ .

11.master the shape and position of spleen

12.master the shape and position of thymus.



1. unstand the concepts and classification of sensory organs.

Chapter 1. Visual Organ

master the composition and function of visual organ .

understand shape of eyeball, master the shape, structure ,division and function of wall of eyeball.

master the composition of contents of the eyeball, master the location of chamber of eye and the place where produce aqueous humor and circulation of aqueous humor.

master shape and position of lens vitreous body.

understand the composition and funcion of accessory organs of eye.understand the shape and structure of eyelids, master the shape and parts of conjunctiva.

understand the composition of lacrimal apparatus,master the location of lacrimal gland, and master the composition of lacrimal passages and their openings.

master the name and function of ocular muscles.

understand adipose body of orbit and fasciae of orbit.

understand the origin,insertion, main branch, distribution of ophthalmic artery, understand venous return of eye

Chapter 2. Vestibulocochlear Organ

understand the composition and function of vestibulocochlear organ.

understand the composition of external ear, master the location, orphous,division of external acoustic meatus and master characteristic of infant external acoustic eatus.

master the shape,location and division of tympanic membrane.

master the composition of middle ear, the location of tympanic cavity and morphous of six walls of the tympanic cavity and understand communication of tympanic cavity.

master the position, parts,openings, and function of auditory tube,and the characteristic of auditory tube in childhood.

master the location of mastoid antrum and mastoid cells.

master the position and parts of internal ear, master the parts of bony labyrinth and morphous of each part, master the position relation of bony labyrinth and membranous labyrinth.

understand the form and function of membranous labyrinth..

master the position and function of the receptor for auditory sensation and sensation of position.

10. understand routes of conduction of the sound waves.

PART Ⅴ. Endocrine System

1.understand the composition , construction features and function of endocrine system.

2. master the shape and location of hypophysis, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, adrenal gland and pineal body.

PART Ⅵ. Nervous System

Chapter 1. introduction

1.understand the function of nervous system in human body, master the division of nervous system, undstand the structure and classificaton of neurons.

2. undstand the basic functional unit of nervous system ,master the basic components of reflex arc.

3. master the terminology of nervous system .

Chapter 2. Central Nervous System

Section 1. Spinal Cord

1. master the location, feature,segments of spinal cord and anatomic relationship of spinal cord with vertebral body i

2. master the distribution and name of white matter and gray matter in transverse section of cervical segment.

3. master the position and function of columns of gray and central canal.undstand Rexed's laminae.

4. master the position and function of ascending tracts(fasciculus gracilis、fasciculus cuneatus、spino-thalamic tract)and descending tracts(corticospinal tract), understand the position and function of other ascending tracts, descending tracts and fasciculus proprius.

5.understand the function of spinal cord,understand clinical manifestation when spinal cord is injured .

Section 2. Brain

Ⅰ.Brain Sterm

master the position and surface shape of bain stem(including rhomboid fossa)

master the location and connection of fourth ventricle.

master the classification of the nuclei of cranial nervers in the brain stem,master the name and location of the nuclei of cranial nervers in the brain stem,and master their connection with cranial nerves

master the location of gracile nucleus, cuneate nucleus, pontine nucleus,red nucleus,substantia nigra, pretectal area,gray matter layers of superior colliculus,nucleus of inferior colliculus;understand the position of non-nuclei of cranial nerves

master the location and function of pyramidal tract, medial lemniscus,spinal lemniscus,lemniscus trigeminalis,and lateral lemniscus in brain stem.

understand the main structures in the sections through decussation of pyramid,decussation of medial lemniscus, the middle of olive, the inferior of pons, the middle of pons, the inferior colliculi of midbrain, the superior colliculi of midbrain.

understand the location and function of reticular formation of brain stem.understand clinical manifestation when brain stem is injured;.


1. master the location ,shape,lobes, and functions of Cerebellum.

2. undstand the name and position of cerebellar nuclei.

3. undestand fibers connection and function of Cerebellum.


master the location and portion of diencephalons, and master the composition and location of each portion.

master the position and communication of third ventricle.

understand the division of nuclei of dorsal thalamus.master the name ,fiber connection,and function of specific thalamus nuclei(including metathalamus).

4. undstand hypothalamus nuclei and its relation with hypophysis.


master the sulci or fissures, lobes,and gyri of cerebral hemisphere.

master the position of primary somesthetic area, primary somatomotor area, acousic area and visual area, and its functional localization.

master the composition and position of basal nuclei.

master the shape and parts of lateral ventricl and master their location.

undstand the classification of fibers of cerebral hemisphere.

master the location and parts of internal capsule, master the fiber bundle which pass through every portion, understand the clinical symptoms when internal capsule is injured.

understand the composition and function of rhinencephalon and limbic system.

Chapter 3. Nervous Pathways

Ⅰ.Sensory (ascending) Pathways

1. master the composition of conscious Deep sensory pathway of trunk and limbs.

2. understand unconscious deep sensory pathway of trunk and limbs.

3. master the superficial sensory pathways,master the situs of all orders of pericaryon,Master the location of fiber bundle in central nervous system and the position of projection upon cerebral cortex.

4. master the composition of visual pathway and pupillary reflexes, master the situs of all orders of pericaryon,and master the fiber intersection in optic chiasma and its situs in internal capsule and the position of projection upon cerebral cortex.

5. understand change in visual field when visual pathway is injured in different situs, master pupillary reflexes, understand the change in pupillary reflexes when it is injured in different situs.

6. understand the composition of auditory pathway.

Ⅱ.Motor(descending) pathways

1. master the location of upper motor neuron and lower motoneurons.

2. master the location of corticospinal tract in central nervous system, master the location of fibers decussating and its connection with lower motoneurons.

3. master the location of corticonuclear tract in central nervous system and control movement nuclei of cranial nerves.

4. understand the clinical manifestation when lower motoneurons and upper motor neuron is injured

5. master the concepts of extracorticospinal tract.understand principal pathways in extracorticospinal tract.

Chapter 4. Meninges and Blood Vessels of Brain and Spinal Cord, and the Cerebrospinal Fluid

Ⅰ.The Meninges (or coverings ) of Brain and Spinal Cord

1. master morphologic characteristics of the spinal dura mater,master the location and contents of epidural space.

2. understand morphologic characteristics of spinal arachnoid mater, spinal pia mater, master the location and contents of subarachnoid space,and the location of terminal cistern.

3. master morphologic characteristics of cerebral dura mater.master the place of structures formed by cerebral dura mater (cerebral falx, tentorium of cerebellum,diaphragma sellae),and the name and location of sinuses of dura mater.

4. master the position and communication of cavernous sinus, and master the structures passing through the cavernous sinus.

5. understand construction feature of scerebral arachnoid mater and spinal pia mater, master the location of cerebellomedullary cistern;understand the location of other subarachnoid cisterns

6. understand the communication of the sinuses of dura mater with the extracranial veins.

Ⅱ.The Blood Vessels of Brain and Spinal Cord

master the source of arteries of brain, the course and main branch of internal carotid artery and vertebral artery, and the origin of the anterior cerebral artery, middle cerebral artery, posterior cerebral artery and their distribution.

2. master the position and form of cerebral arterial circle.

3. understand superficial cerebral veins return and deep cerebral veins.

4. understand the arteries and veins of the spinal cord.

Ⅲ.The Circulation of Cerebrospinal Fluid

master the place which produce cerebrospinal fluid and circulation of the cerebrospinal fluid .

Chapter 5. The Peripheral Nervous Syetem

Section 1. The Spinal Nerves

1.master the formation, classification, distribution and fiberous components of spinal


2. master the position and formation of cervical plexus,undstand the name,distribution, position of cervical plexus cutaneous branch; master the formation and course in neck of phrenic nerve.

3. master the position,formtion, branchs of brachial plexus.

4. master the distribution of musculocutaneous nerve, median nerve,ulnar nerve, radial

nerve, axillary nerve, understand their course and clinical symptoms when they are

injured; understand the distribution of long thoracic nerve and thoracodorsal nerve.

5. master the distribution of anterior rami of thoracic nerve and the distribution feature of its cutaneous branches.

6. master the formation, branch, distribution and position of lumbar plexus, master the course, branches,distribution of femoral nerve and obturator nerve

7. master the formation,branch and position of sacral plexus,master the course ,branch, and distribution of ischiadic nerve.understand the course of common peroneal nerve,superficial and deep peroneal nerves and tibial nerve; master the distribution of deep and superficial peroneal nerves and tibial nerve;understand clinical symptoms when they are injured

Section 2. Cranial Nerves

1. master the name,order, portion connecting with brain, passage through the skull.

2.undstand the functional type and distribution of olfactory nerve.

3. master the functional type ,course and coverings of optic nerve

4. master the types of fibers, course and distribution of oculomotor nerve, undstand the location and types of ciliary ganglion.

5. master distribution of trochlear nerve.

6. master the types of fibers, branch and distribution of trigeminal nerve,master the position and function of trigeminal ganglion.

7. master the distribution of abducent nerve.

8. master the types of fibers, branches and distribution of facial nerve.and undstand the location and function of submandibular ganglion and pterygopalatine ganglion.

9. master the functional type of vestibulocochlear nerve.

10. master the types of fibers , branches and distribution of glossopharyngeal nerve,

undstand the location and function of otic ganglion.

11. master the types of fibers, branches,course and distribution of vagus nerve.

12. master the distribution of accessory nerve and hypoglossal nerve.

Section 3. Visceral Nervus

1. master the classification and distribution of visceral nerve.

2. master the difference between visceral efferent nerve and somatic motor nerve.

3. master the concepts of preganglionic neuron, preganglionic fibers, postganglionic neuron and postganglionic fibre.

4. master the lower centers of sympathetic nerve, the composition and location of sympathetic trunk, and the location of prevertebral ganlia

5. master the concepts of grey communicating branch and white communicating branch, master the course of preganglionic fiber and postganglionic fibre.

6.undstand distribution of sympathetic nerve.

7. cervical part: understand the location of superior cervical ganglion, middle cervical ganglion, inferior cervical ganglion and their distribution of postganglionic fibre.

8. thoracic part:master the orgin, fiber connection and distribution of greater splanchnic nerve and lesser splanchnic nerve.

9. lumbar part: master the orgin, fiber connection of umbar splanchnic nerves.undstand distribution of postganglionic fibre.

10. pelvis:undstand distribution of postganglionic fibre.

11. parasympathetic nerve: master the lower centers of parasympathetic nerve.

12. master the orgin of parasympathetic preganglionic fibers of oculomotor nerv, and the place where parasympathetic preganglionic fibers synapse with and their distribution of postganglionic fibre

13. master the orgin of para